If you're like me, news of a "pledge drive" is about as thrilling as hearing that the April deadline for filing income tax is fast approaching. However, without a pledge drive, Girdwood Chapel could not write a realistic budget for the year.
This year's budget is of vital importance, as it pertains to the future of Girdwood Chapel. As we look forward to the arrival of a resident pastor in our community, it is important to determine the level of financial support we can provide.
Are we financially able to support a full-time pastor, or even a 3/4-time pastor? The answer to this important question lies, in part, with our best "guesstimate" of our financial income for the year. That brings us to the "pledge drive."
Girdwood Chapel depends upon its congregation to contribute to the life and mission of our faith community. The funds we collect are used for the whole work of the church. Just how much we will be able to do this year is determined, in part, by our annual budget.
The term "pledge" has been (incorrectly) interpreted as a promise or obligation to the Chapel. It is not. The amount you pledge (by faith) is your decision, based upon your financial situation as you hope it to be in 2013. "Life happens" and, with it, the amount you will be able to actually give.
We just ask, as a chapel, that you give us a ballpark figure upon which to base our budget. With our budget written, we can proceed to make decisions that will affect all of us who call Girdwood Chapel our church "home."
The 2013 Pledge Cards are available at the church. You may wish to electronically download the card and submit it either by e-mail or regular mail to the addresses printed below. Thank you, in advance, for your participation in the annual pledge drive.
Girdwood Chapel e-mail address: girdwoodchapel@gmail.com
Girdwood Chapel mailing address: P.O. Box 1068, Girdwood AK 99587